How to Run a Legal Sportsbook

A sportsbook is a gambling establishment that accepts bets on various sporting events. These establishments are regulated by law and often employ security measures to protect bettors. They also offer customer service and a variety of payment methods. Some even have an app that allows customers to place bets from anywhere. While these sites can be an excellent source of revenue, they are not without risk. To reduce the risk of running a legal sportsbook, operators should use only high quality data providers and data aggregators. They should also provide a user-friendly experience and clearly communicate regulatory compliance.

Betting lines (or odds) are a key part of the sportsbook. These numbers are set by a number of factors, including the overall health of a team and the strength of an opposing team. They can also be adjusted in the event of a change in weather or injuries. In addition, they can be affected by a shift in public opinion.

In American sports betting, total (Over/Under) bets are wagers placed on the combined score between two teams. An over bettor wants the total to be higher, while an under bettor expects the total to be lower. If the final adjusted score is exactly equal to the betting line, the bet is considered a push and most sportsbooks refund all bets on this type of bet.

It is important to be aware that gambling laws vary by country and region. Some countries have strict regulations while others have more lax laws. To ensure that your sportsbook is operating legally, you should reference your country’s government website and consult with a professional attorney who has iGaming industry experience.